Thursday, January 12, 2006

Free Shaving Gel Bookmark and Share

Claim your free sample today and start to enjoy a smooth pain-free shave with no razor burn or rash! We're so convinced you'll find King of Shaves shaving software the world's best shave that, stocks permitting, we'll send you a free sample to prove it (though before we do so, we do ask you help us out by completing a short survey to help us improve our products and service).

You can choose either a men's pack containing a sample of our Formula Alpha Shaving Oil (2ml) and AlphaGel Shaving Gel (5ml) or you can select the women's pack which contains a sample of our King of Shaves Woman Shaving Oil (2ml) and Shaving Gel (5ml). You may order one sample pack per year.

Request Free Shaving Gel or Shaving Oil.

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